Friday, July 22, 2011

Sales: Borders Liquidation Sale?!

So, as we all know, I am a nerd.  I read as much as I can and I know that any proper Gadfly has a healthy curiosity about the world.....And what better way to learn about it than through books?

So, I was happy to learn that Borders is having a MASSIVE liquidation sale which was supposed to start in Febuary, but had to be ok'd by a federal bankruptcy judge...Which means that starting TODAY, you can get your low-price book game, and get a crack at the over $350 million worth of merchandise that will be up for sale.  Does anyone know where I'll be after work?  I'll give you three guesses....Finally there's something about this recession that could be considered vaguely positive.  ( I mean, it was a mega chain to begin with....) But does this signal the end of book buying like some are saying?  I doubt it

NPR ran an interesting tidbit on what the Borders closings might mean for the book publishing industry and for all of us as readers.

It posits that with the rise of e-readers like the Kindle and the Nook (not gonna lie, I want the Nook soooo bad), actual bookstores are feeling the strain.  Basically if books are your bread-and-butter, what happens when people get used to clicking for content?

Speaking ONLY for myself, I doubt that I'll stop enjoying that new paper and binding-glue smell.  I know that relaxing at home with an awesome book and a beer happen to be one of my unmitigated pleasures in this life.  But when traveling, on transit, or simply out and about, if I can avoid the shoulder ache that comes from carrying too many tomes---well then, sign me up.  Perhaps this just means I can't quite commit?



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